Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Educational Autobiography

           When I think of school I think of my school career in grade school, mainly my elementary school. I think of myself as a student, but I also think of different kinds of students. The students I think of go across the board from strugglers to those who excel. School to me means a learning environment for all learners.
            I attended school in the Sheboygan Area School District. Prior to attending kindergarten, I was enrolled in 3 year old preschool and 4 year old preschool. When starting kindergarten, I remember I was nervous about going to school. Even though I was usually nervous, I loved going to school and this continued throughout the years. I remember my nervousness always happened on the first day of school, this was probably because everything was going to be new again. Once I had a sense of comfort, I felt more at ease and began to enjoy school.
            My elementary school I remember enjoying each year. There was some times where I felt lost and struggled, but always loved going to school. One year I was sick, but had a presentation to do so I begged my parents to let me go to school so I could share my project. I never liked being sick and missing elementary school. Throughout grades kindergarten and fifth grade, I’ve come across some passionate teachers, the ones I want to be like, and then the teachers who made a bad impression for me. All the teachers, however, I believe have helped me grow a stronger passion for wanting to teach. The excellent teachers helped me by having me want to have the same passion they do for teaching children. The not so good teachers have helped me to become a teacher because I know what not to do when I am teaching. To this day, I still keep in contact with some of my elementary teachers and they encourage me to keep going to school and become a teacher.
            Middle school, I felt was an awkward time. I feel this may be the case for many children. There are many changes between elementary and middle school. The schools were bigger and the idea of needing to move to different classes seemed different compared to staying in one classroom. I switched middle schools in eighth grade because my family moved. I believe this switch benefited me because I felt more comfortable in my new school with having more friends to be with. I feel that both schools are excellent schools with inspiring teachers.
            High school brought many challenges later on in junior and senior year. This was because I took harder courses and added a zero hour (having eight classes, instead of seven in a day). I felt that high school was a change in pace. Everything seemed to go by quicker, such as time, classes, activities, etc. My senior year of high school I began to take classes for teaching. They were Youth to Youth Tutoring (YTY) and Introduction to Education. These classes I feel helped me be sure that teaching was what I wanted to go for when I entered college.
            I can remember certain characteristics of each school I attended and when I go in one of them now, I can go back to remember when I was a student there. I recently helped out in my elementary school and when I walked past the gym, where lunch is held, the hot lunch still has the distinct smell that I always hated. My first middle school was an older school, so the blackboards are still the old style blackboards in some rooms. In high school I remember that people walked slowly or stood in the middle of the hallway.  All of these aspects of the school itself make the school unique or just like any other high school.
            Overall, my educational experience in grade school was enjoyable and at times challenging. I am thankful that I have had many inspiring teachers to keep me going on my educational path throughout the years.  

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