Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teaching Metaphor

Teaching is like riding a roller coaster.
            In many ways teaching is like a roller coaster. Teachers have to build up the students “momentum” for them to understand the concept. This is like the first hill that goes up on the roller coaster. Some areas of a lesson may go quick and fast, others slower; just as the roller coaster speeds. Teachers should make sure the students are in somewhat of the same place and not fall apart. This would be like when roller coaster carts are on different parts of the track at the same time. The hills of the roller coaster track can also represent the ups and downs of teaching. This is because there are sometimes difficult moments of teaching, but we have to rebuild up the momentum to make the students engaged again. Teaching has its bumpy moments, just as the wooden roller coaster does; this would be when concepts just aren’t clicking for the students. Teaching also has its smooth moments, the steel roller coasters, when the students understand the concepts.  However, the abrupt stop at the end of the ride is not how teaching should be. The concept that is being taught should not be stopped and forgotten about; there should always be a review session throughout the school year. 

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