Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hidden Rules

            The Rules for Teachers 1915 & 1972 and the NEA Code of Ethics differ greatly. The Rules for Teachers seem to focus a lot on the life outside of the teacher’s job. These rules controlled what the teacher could or could not do while not at work. The rules were mostly strictly for women The NEA Code of Ethics discusses more about benefiting the students education.  NEA Code of Ethics also focuses on the school setting and not the life outside of school. Both of these sets of rules have rules for being at the school (commitment to the students) and being a teacher (commitment to the profession).  
            I do believe we have hidden and unwritten social rules for teachers today. I find that these hidden rules are all over society and not just in the education field.  Some of the hidden rules that are for teachers include holding up to the standards they show their students. An example would be telling students not to drink and drive, we as teachers should not do that. Another hidden rule in for some school is the dress code, teachers may have to look professional every day, but some teachers may decide to wear jeans for the casual professional look. I think that when starting a job, it is important to know what the hidden rules are right away. 

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