Saturday, July 9, 2011

Assistive Technology

            Assistive technology is a device that increases a disabled person’s capabilities of participating in the classroom or other times. There are various kinds of assistive technology that includes smart boards, alpha smarts, speech or text assistance, and touch screen sources. This technology does not have to be used just for disabled; it can also help other students too.
            One way assistive technology is being used in the classroom is Text-to- Speech (TTS), speech synthesizers. The user types what they want to write and the computer reads it back to the person. It is primarily used for the blind because they can hear what they are typing, like proofreading. It can also help those who do not communicate orally, but write or in this case type their thoughts and others can hear what they have to say. This assistive technology can help other students who are not disabled for tasks such as proofreading instead of having partners read each other’s papers; the computer can read it back to the student. There are various sources for using text-to-speech.
            Another example is pocket electronic dictionaries. There are various kinds out there that can consist of the dictionary, thesaurus, translations, and mini games to help build a student’s vocabulary. Some of the devices speak so there is the verbal pronunciation of the word along with seeing the word. This device can be used to help those who struggle with phonics, spelling, and grammar. Many of these devices come with a large screen so students can view the word and play games in a large text setting. Electronic dictionaries are useful for a variety of needs and people.
            Overall, assistive technology is helpful and with the fast pace movement of technology there are becoming more options available for students with needs. 

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