Friday, July 1, 2011

Boys and Girls Educated Separately?

            There are positives and negatives to having boys and girls educated separately. The text discusses how gender separation is becoming more wide spread in public education. I personally think boys and girls should be educated together.
            I feel that having a gender integrated classroom helps students learn from each other by using the boy’s and the girl’s point of view. There are times where a gender will hold similar points of view than the other. When students see that more girls than boys, or vice versa, agree or disagree with a situation they can learn why that is. Along with seeing each genders difference, students can see the similarities among each other.
            Boys and girls are differentiated from birth, blue and pink outfits, the types of toys, and how they are interacted with. When boys and girls enter day care or school, they will be able to interact with each other and become friends. If the day care or school had separate classes for each gender, this interaction wouldn’t take place and it may be less likely for boys and girls to interact with each other outside of the school.
            I do believe that each gender has different needs, but those needs can be met within an integrated classroom. From early history, females were always portrayed as a lesser value than males. With the continuation of challenging women and putting them with males, it can give them more power and strength to succeed. This is because males have always held that power and females can learn from working with them how to be similar and have the opportunity to show that they can be powerful.
            To me it feels that same sex schools are segregating the boys and girls, even though the text says it is not segregating. I grew up only knowing of integrating sexes and this could be why I see this as segregating. The only time I experienced same sex classes would be in the early years of being taught human development. Overall, I feel that genders, all races, learning abilities, and other values a person holds should be integrated within the classroom. It helps students learn from each other and they can expand their knowledge, rather than just knowing of one type of person.  

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