Friday, July 8, 2011

School Vouchers

            The December article discusses how Tony Evers, state superintendent, was considering expanding enrollment in virtual schools and vouchers. Scott Walker stated that virtual schools like charter schools are effective for some people and the option should be expanded. Evers wants to be sure that when limits increase that the educational factor does not decrease in schools. A few months later in May, Tony Evers became completely against expanding voucher programs.  He believes it is “morally wrong” to expand voucher programs when public education funding is being cut. Evers thinks that we should focus on improving student’s achievements before cutting the funds and raising the vouchers. According to him, the voucher program is not working successfully in Milwaukee. When the voucher program is increased it can also raise local property taxes. Scott Walker supports increasing or expanding the voucher programs to various cities throughout Wisconsin.
            I think that Tony Evers opinion changed once he realized the whole issue of what would happen when vouchers are expanded and the effects that are attached to the expansion. He holds a strong opinion on wanting to improve the learning in schools before expanding voucher programs. This was consistent from December to May. 

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