Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bullying Prevention

            There are various bully prevention programs that exist; the one I found was developed in 2001. The program is called Children’s Promise and was founded by Director Mary Harrison. She was taken aback by all the bullying that was occurring in school settings and local parks. This program provides training sessions to young children in schools or other educational programs/clubs. When this article was written, this program was effective in Brown County schools and was to be forming partnerships with other Green Bay area schools. Children’s Promise’s goal is to train students and teachers on how to better deal with bullying and to increase social skills of children.  Not only is Children’s Promise a bully prevention program, it also helps the youth make more positive decisions, increase care for others, has help for those who are abused and helps prevents animal abuse. The information I read did not seem to include cyber bullying in the prevention program. However, I do believe that cyber bullying is becoming more prominent as technology is becoming more and more popular.
            Overall, I feel like this program is effective. There has been quite a bit of reports and news about the program. It is not only in the Green Bay area, but other states have this similar program. I have not heard of this program until doing research on bully prevention, so I think it would be important to get word out that there is this helpful program to help students get through not just bullying but other life encounters and decisions.

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