Thursday, July 14, 2011

Video Response (Classroom Management)

            The video contained various teachers displaying and explaining what their classroom management is like when they teach. Students also spoke about different ways, we as teachers, can help them with our classroom management skills. All the teachers had a calm positive attitude in the classroom. This I felt was important because teachers need to have that characteristic for the students to feel comfortable and listen to them.
            The first teacher explained how the key is to start in September with routine and constant guidance for the students. She stated that it usually takes six to eight weeks for ones system to be established. Once the guidance is completed in the first couple months of school, the students can be more independent and know how to run their own time. This allows the teacher to pull students for extra guidance reading groups. This allows students to have independent time and the teacher can assist those who are struggling. The second teacher forms a community with her students and they go over the class expectations. In the beginning of every class they do a warm up in the community circle. Her main philosophy is to build mutual respect. This environment seems to be a very family and group like. The third teacher makes groups to do expert lessons. She spends a great amount of time to form the groups so every child is involved and the students are matched up socially and emotionally. The students are then teaching each other when the groups are mixed up.
            I believe that each of these teachers’ management approaches work for them because of their personality and the environment the classroom is built upon. The first and third teachers tend to give the students independence within the classroom, but beginning guidance in the beginning. The second teacher is seems to be into group building and working as a community.  I feel that each teacher shows passion for what they are doing and that also helps them with classroom management because the students see and hear that passion.
            The second video addresses morning meetings and knowing each individual has something important to contribute to the class. She shares that sometimes a management technique may work with one group of students but not another, which is important to know and have another technique up your sleeve at all times. She uses role playing to help students know how to behave when on the field trip they will be going on, but it can also be used for general behavior problems. She often asks the students what they think they should do in that particular situation. Her important advice is to get as much experience with all kinds of different students to see what techniques work and don’t work. It is okay if a technique doesn't work, that just means we have to try more techniques and be consistent and fair. The more experience we gain, the more confident we will be with teaching and classroom management. 

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